12 research outputs found

    On service optimization in community network micro-clouds

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyInternet coverage in the world is still weak and local communities are required to come together and build their own network infrastructures. People collaborate for the common goal of accessing the Internet and cloud services by building Community networks (CNs). The use of Internet cloud services has grown over the last decade. Community network cloud infrastructures (i.e. micro-clouds) have been introduced to run services inside the network, without the need to consume them from the Internet. CN micro-clouds aims for not only an improved service performance, but also an entry point for an alternative to Internet cloud services in CNs. However, the adaptation of the services to be used in CN micro-clouds have their own challenges since the use of low-capacity devices and wireless connections without a central management is predominant in CNs. Further, large and irregular topology of the network, high software and hardware diversity and different service requirements in CNs, makes the CN micro-clouds a challenging environment to run local services, and to achieve service performance and quality similar to Internet cloud services. In this thesis, our main objective is the optimization of services (performance, quality) in CN micro-clouds, facilitating entrance to other services and motivating members to make use of CN micro-cloud services as an alternative to Internet services. We present an approach to handle services in CN micro-cloud environments in order to improve service performance and quality that can be approximated to Internet services, while also giving to the community motivation to use CN micro-cloud services. Furthermore, we break the problem into different levels (resource, service and middleware), propose a model that provides improvements for each level and contribute with information that helps to support the improvements (in terms of service performance and quality) in the other levels. At the resource level, we facilitate the use of community devices by utilizing virtualization techniques that isolate and manage CN micro-cloud services in order to have a multi-purpose environment that fosters services in the CN micro-cloud environment. At the service level, we build a monitoring tool tailored for CN micro-clouds that helps us to analyze service behavior and performance in CN micro-clouds. Subsequently, the information gathered enables adaptation of the services to the environment in order to improve their quality and performance under CN environments. At the middleware level, we build overlay networks as the main communication system according to the social information in order to improve paths and routes of the nodes, and improve transmission of data across the network by utilizing the relationships already established in the social network or community of practices that are related to the CNs. Therefore, service performance in CN micro-clouds can become more stable with respect to resource usage, performance and user perceived quality.Acceder a Internet sigue siendo un reto en muchas partes del mundo y las comunidades locales se ven en la necesidad de colaborar para construir sus propias infraestructuras de red. Los usuarios colaboran por el objetivo común de acceder a Internet y a los servicios en la nube construyendo redes comunitarias (RC). El uso de servicios de Internet en la nube ha crecido durante la última década. Las infraestructuras de nube en redes comunitarias (i.e., micronubes) han aparecido para albergar servicios dentro de las mismas redes, sin tener que acceder a Internet para usarlos. Las micronubes de las RC no solo tienen por objetivo ofrecer un mejor rendimiento, sino también ser la puerta de entrada en las RC hacia una alternativa a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Sin embargo, la adaptación de los servicios para ser usados en micronubes de RC conlleva sus retos ya que el uso de dispositivos de recursos limitados y de conexiones inalámbricas sin una gestión centralizada predominan en las RC. Más aún, la amplia e irregular topología de la red, la diversidad en el hardware y el software y los diferentes requisitos de los servicios en RC convierten en un desafío albergar servicios locales en micronubes de RC y obtener un rendimiento y una calidad del servicio comparables a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Esta tesis tiene por objetivo la optimización de servicios (rendimiento, calidad) en micronubes de RC, facilitando la entrada a otros servicios y motivando a sus miembros a usar los servicios en la micronube de RC como una alternativa a los servicios en Internet. Presentamos una aproximación para gestionar los servicios en entornos de micronube de RC para mejorar su rendimiento y calidad comparable a los servicios en Internet, a la vez que proporcionamos a la comunidad motivación para usar los servicios de micronube en RC. Además, dividimos el problema en distintos niveles (recursos, servicios y middleware), proponemos un modelo que proporciona mejoras para cada nivel y contribuye con información que apoya las mejoras (en términos de rendimiento y calidad de los servicios) en los otros niveles. En el nivel de los recursos, facilitamos el uso de dispositivos comunitarios al emplear técnicas de virtualización que aíslan y gestionan los servicios en micronubes de RC para obtener un entorno multipropósito que fomenta los servicios en el entorno de micronube de RC. En el nivel de servicio, construimos una herramienta de monitorización a la medida de las micronubes de RC que nos ayuda a analizar el comportamiento de los servicios y su rendimiento en micronubes de RC. Luego, la información recopilada permite adaptar los servicios al entorno para mejorar su calidad y rendimiento bajo las condiciones de una RC. En el nivel de middleware, construimos redes de overlay que actúan como el sistema de comunicación principal de acuerdo a información social para mejorar los caminos y las rutas de los nodos y mejoramos la transmisión de datos a lo largo de la red al utilizar las relaciones preestablecidas en la red social o la comunidad de prácticas que están relacionadas con las RC. De este modo, el rendimiento en las micronubes de RC puede devenir más estable respecto al uso de recursos, el rendimiento y la calidad percibidas por el usuario.Postprint (published version

    Gossip-based service monitoring platform for wireless edge cloud computing

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    Edge cloud computing proposes to support shared services, by using the infrastructure at the network's edge. An important problem is the monitoring and management of services across the edge environment. Therefore, dissemination and gathering of data is not straightforward, differing from the classic cloud infrastructure. In this paper, we consider the environment of community networks for edge cloud computing, in which the monitoring of cloud services is required. We propose a monitoring platform to collect near real-time data about the services offered in the community network using a gossip-enabled network. We analyze and apply this gossip-enabled network to perform service discovery and information sharing, enabling data dissemination among the community. We implemented our solution as a prototype and used it for collecting service monitoring data from the real operational community network cloud, as a feasible deployment of our solution. By means of emulation and simulation we analyze in different scenarios, the behavior of the gossip overlay solution, and obtain average results regarding information propagation and consistency needs, i.e. in high latency situations, data convergence occurs within minutes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Socially aware microcloud service overlay optimization in community networks

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    Community networks are a growing network cooperation effort by citizens to build and maintain Internet infrastructure in regions that are not available. Adding that, to bring cloud services to community networks (CNs), microclouds were started as an edge cloud computing model where members cooperate using resources. Therefore, enhancing routing for services in CNs is an attractive paradigm that benefits the infrastructure. The problem is the growing consumption of resources for disseminating messages in the CN environment. This is because the services that build their overlay networks are oblivious to the underlying workload patterns that arise from social cooperation in CNs. In this paper, we propose Select in Community Networks (SELECTinCN), which enhances the overlay creation for pub/sub systems over peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Moreover, SELECTinCN includes social information based on cooperation within CNs by exploiting the social aspects of the community of practice. Our work organizes the peers in a ring topology and provides an adaptive P2P connection establishment algorithm, where each peer identifies the number of connections needed based on the social structure and user availability. This allows us to propagate messages using a reduced number of hops, thus providing an efficient heuristic to an NP-hard problem that maps the workload graph to the structured P2P overlays resulting in a number of messages close to the theoretical minimum. Experiments show that, by using social network information, SELECTinCN reduces the number of relay nodes by up to 89% using the community of practice information versus the state-of-the-art pub/sub notification systems given as baseline.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On Service Optimization in Community Network Micro-Clouds

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    Internet coverage in the world is still weak and local communities are required to come together and build their own network infrastructures. People collaborate for the common goal of accessing the Internet and cloud services by building Community networks (CNs).The use of Internet cloud services has grown over the last decade. Community network cloud infrastructures (i.e. micro-clouds) have been introduced to run services inside the network, without the need to consume them from the Internet. CN micro-clouds aims for not only an improved service performance, but also an entry point for an alternative to Internet cloud services in CNs. However, the adaptation of the services to be used in CN micro-clouds have their own challenges since the use of low-capacity devices and wireless connections without a central management is predominant in CNs. Further, large and irregular topology of the network, high software and hardware diversity and different service requirements in CNs, makes the CN micro-clouds a challenging environment to run local services, and to achieve service performance and quality similar to Internet cloud services. In this thesis, our main objective is the optimization of services (performance, quality) in CN micro-clouds, facilitating entrance to other services and motivating members to make use of CN micro-cloud services as an alternative to Internet services. We present an approach to handle services in CN micro-cloud environments in order to improve service performance and quality that can be approximated to Internet services, while also giving to the community motivation to use CN micro-cloud services. Furthermore, we break the problem into different levels (resource, service and middleware), propose a model that provides improvements for each level and contribute with information that helps to support the improvements (in terms of service performance and quality) in the other levels.At the resource level, we facilitate the use of community devices by utilizing virtualization techniques that isolate and manage CN micro-cloud services in order to have a multi-purpose environment that fosters services in the CN micro-cloud environment.At the service level, we build a monitoring tool tailored for CN micro-clouds that helps us to analyze service behavior and performance in CN micro-clouds. Subsequently, the information gathered enables adaptation of the services to the environment in order to improve their quality and performance under CN environments. At the middleware level, we build overlay networks as the main communication system according to the social information in order to improve paths and routes of the nodes, and improve transmission of data across the network by utilizing the relationships already established in the social network or community of practices that are related to the CNs. Therefore, service performance in CN micro-clouds can become more stable with respect to resource usage, performance and user perceived quality.Internettäckningen i världen är fortfarande svag och lokala samhällen måste samarbeta och bygga egna nätverksinfrastrukturer. Människor samarbetar för det gemensamma målet att få tillgång till Internet och molntjänster genom att bygga ”community networks” (CN). Användningen av Internet-molntjänster har ökat under det senaste decenniet. ”Community Network”–baserade molntjänster (s.k. mikro-moln) har introducerats för att driva tjänster inom nätverket, utan att behöva nå  dem via internet. CN-mikro-moln syftar inte bara till förbättrad serviceprestanda, men också en startpunkt för ett alternativ till Internet-molntjänster i CN. Men anpassningen av de tjänster som ska användas i CN-mikromoln har sina egna utmaningar sedan användningen av lågkapacitetsenheter och trådlösa anslutningar utan central kontroll är dominerande i CN. Vidare, stor och oregelbunden topologi hos nätverket, stor variation hos mjukvaran och hårdvaran, och olika krav på service i CN, gör CN-mikromoln till en utmanande miljö för att driva lokala tjänster och för att uppnå serviceprestanda och kvalitet som liknar Internet-molntjänster. I denna avhandling är vårt huvudmål att optimera tjänster (prestanda, kvalitet) i CN-mikromoln, vilket underlättar ingången till andra tjänster och motiverar medlemmar att använda sig av CN-mikro-molntjänster som ett alternativ till Internet-tjänster. Vi presenterar ett sätt att hantera tjänster i CN-mikro-molnmiljöer för att förbättra serviceprestanda och kvalitet som kan liknas vid Internet-tjänster, samtidigt som de motiverar samhället att använda CN-mikro-molntjänster. Dessutom delar vi upp problemet i olika nivåer (resurs, service och middleware), föreslår en modell som ger förbättringar för varje nivå och bidrar med information som hjälper till att stödja förbättringarna (när det gäller serviceprestanda och kvalitet) på de andra nivåerna. På resursnivån underlättar vi användningen av gemensam utrustning genom att använda virtualiseringstekniker som isolerar och hanterar CN-mikro-molntjänster i syfte att ha en mångsidig miljö som främjar tjänster i CN mikro-moln miljön. På servicenivån bygger vi ett övervakningsverktyg skräddarsytt för CN-mikromoln som hjälper oss att analysera servicebeteende och prestanda i CN-mikromoln. Därefter möjliggör den insamlade informationen anpassning av tjänsterna till miljön för att förbättra deras kvalitet och prestanda i CN miljöer. På middleware-nivån bygger vi överlagringsnät som det huvudsakliga kommunikationssystemet enligt den sociala informationen för att förbättra nodernas banor och rutter och förbättra överföringen av data över nätverket genom att använda de relationer som redan upprättats i det sociala nätverket eller i gemenskapen av praxis som är relaterade till CN. Därför kan tjänsteutövning i CN-mikro-moln bli stabilare med avseende på resursanvändning, prestanda och användarens uppfattade kvalitet.Acceder a Internet sigue siendo un reto en muchas partes del mundo y las comunidades locales se ven en la necesidad de colaborar para construir sus propias infraestructuras de red. Los usuarios colaboran por el objetivo común de acceder a Internet y a los servicios en la nube construyendo redes comunitarias (RC). El uso de servicios de Internet en la nube ha crecido durante la última década. Las infraestructuras de nube en redes comunitarias (i.e., micronubes) han aparecido para albergar servicios dentro de las mismas redes, sin tener que acceder a Internet para usarlos. Las micronubes de las RC no solo tienen por objetivo ofrecer un mejor rendimiento, sino también ser la puerta de entrada en las RC hacia una alternativa a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Sin embargo, la adaptación de los servicios para ser usados en micronubes de RC conlleva sus retos ya que el uso de dispositivos de recursos limitados y de conexiones inalámbricas sin una gestión centralizada predominan en las RC. Más aún, la amplia e irregular topología de la red, la diversidad en el hardware y el software y los diferentes requisitos de los servicios en RC convierten en un desafío albergar servicios locales en micronubes de RC y obtener un rendimiento y una calidad del servicio comparables a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Esta tesis tiene por objetivo la optimización de servicios (rendimiento, calidad) en micronubes de RC, facilitando la entrada a otros servicios y motivando a sus miembros a usar los servicios en la micronube de RC como una alternativa a los servicios en Internet. Presentamos una aproximación para gestionar los servicios en entornos de micronube de RC para mejorar su rendimiento y calidad comparable a los servicios en Internet, a la vez que proporcionamos a la comunidad motivación para usar los servicios de micronube en RC. Además, dividimos el problema en distintos niveles (recursos, servicios y middleware), proponemos un modelo que proporciona mejoras para cada nivel y contribuye con información que apoya las mejoras (en términos de rendimiento y calidad de los servicios) en los otros niveles. En el nivel de los recursos, facilitamos el uso de dispositivos comunitarios al emplear técnicas de virtualización que aíslan y gestionan los servicios en micronubes de RC para obtener un entorno multipropósito que fomenta los servicios en el entorno de micronube de RC. En el nivel de servicio, construimos una herramienta de monitorización a la medida de las micronubes de RC que nos ayuda a analizar el comportamiento de los servicios y su rendimiento en micronubes de RC. Luego, la información recopilada permite adaptar los servicios al entorno para mejorar su calidad y rendimiento bajo las condiciones de una RC. En el nivel de middleware, construimos redes de overlay que actúan como el sistema de comunicación principal de acuerdo a información social para mejorar los caminos y las rutas de los nodos y mejoramos la transmisión de datos a lo largo de la red al utilizar las relaciones preestablecidas en la red social o la comunidad de prácticas que están relacionadas con las RC. De este modo, el rendimiento en las micronubes de RC puede devenir más estable respecto al uso de recursos, el rendimiento y la calidad percibidas por el usuario.Public defense is held at UPC, Barcelona, Spain and videoconference to KTH Sal C, Kistagången 16.QC 20180815</p

    On Service Optimization in Community Network Micro-Clouds

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    Internet coverage in the world is still weak and local communities are required to come together and build their own network infrastructures. People collaborate for the common goal of accessing the Internet and cloud services by building Community networks (CNs).The use of Internet cloud services has grown over the last decade. Community network cloud infrastructures (i.e. micro-clouds) have been introduced to run services inside the network, without the need to consume them from the Internet. CN micro-clouds aims for not only an improved service performance, but also an entry point for an alternative to Internet cloud services in CNs. However, the adaptation of the services to be used in CN micro-clouds have their own challenges since the use of low-capacity devices and wireless connections without a central management is predominant in CNs. Further, large and irregular topology of the network, high software and hardware diversity and different service requirements in CNs, makes the CN micro-clouds a challenging environment to run local services, and to achieve service performance and quality similar to Internet cloud services. In this thesis, our main objective is the optimization of services (performance, quality) in CN micro-clouds, facilitating entrance to other services and motivating members to make use of CN micro-cloud services as an alternative to Internet services. We present an approach to handle services in CN micro-cloud environments in order to improve service performance and quality that can be approximated to Internet services, while also giving to the community motivation to use CN micro-cloud services. Furthermore, we break the problem into different levels (resource, service and middleware), propose a model that provides improvements for each level and contribute with information that helps to support the improvements (in terms of service performance and quality) in the other levels.At the resource level, we facilitate the use of community devices by utilizing virtualization techniques that isolate and manage CN micro-cloud services in order to have a multi-purpose environment that fosters services in the CN micro-cloud environment.At the service level, we build a monitoring tool tailored for CN micro-clouds that helps us to analyze service behavior and performance in CN micro-clouds. Subsequently, the information gathered enables adaptation of the services to the environment in order to improve their quality and performance under CN environments. At the middleware level, we build overlay networks as the main communication system according to the social information in order to improve paths and routes of the nodes, and improve transmission of data across the network by utilizing the relationships already established in the social network or community of practices that are related to the CNs. Therefore, service performance in CN micro-clouds can become more stable with respect to resource usage, performance and user perceived quality.Internettäckningen i världen är fortfarande svag och lokala samhällen måste samarbeta och bygga egna nätverksinfrastrukturer. Människor samarbetar för det gemensamma målet att få tillgång till Internet och molntjänster genom att bygga ”community networks” (CN). Användningen av Internet-molntjänster har ökat under det senaste decenniet. ”Community Network”–baserade molntjänster (s.k. mikro-moln) har introducerats för att driva tjänster inom nätverket, utan att behöva nå  dem via internet. CN-mikro-moln syftar inte bara till förbättrad serviceprestanda, men också en startpunkt för ett alternativ till Internet-molntjänster i CN. Men anpassningen av de tjänster som ska användas i CN-mikromoln har sina egna utmaningar sedan användningen av lågkapacitetsenheter och trådlösa anslutningar utan central kontroll är dominerande i CN. Vidare, stor och oregelbunden topologi hos nätverket, stor variation hos mjukvaran och hårdvaran, och olika krav på service i CN, gör CN-mikromoln till en utmanande miljö för att driva lokala tjänster och för att uppnå serviceprestanda och kvalitet som liknar Internet-molntjänster. I denna avhandling är vårt huvudmål att optimera tjänster (prestanda, kvalitet) i CN-mikromoln, vilket underlättar ingången till andra tjänster och motiverar medlemmar att använda sig av CN-mikro-molntjänster som ett alternativ till Internet-tjänster. Vi presenterar ett sätt att hantera tjänster i CN-mikro-molnmiljöer för att förbättra serviceprestanda och kvalitet som kan liknas vid Internet-tjänster, samtidigt som de motiverar samhället att använda CN-mikro-molntjänster. Dessutom delar vi upp problemet i olika nivåer (resurs, service och middleware), föreslår en modell som ger förbättringar för varje nivå och bidrar med information som hjälper till att stödja förbättringarna (när det gäller serviceprestanda och kvalitet) på de andra nivåerna. På resursnivån underlättar vi användningen av gemensam utrustning genom att använda virtualiseringstekniker som isolerar och hanterar CN-mikro-molntjänster i syfte att ha en mångsidig miljö som främjar tjänster i CN mikro-moln miljön. På servicenivån bygger vi ett övervakningsverktyg skräddarsytt för CN-mikromoln som hjälper oss att analysera servicebeteende och prestanda i CN-mikromoln. Därefter möjliggör den insamlade informationen anpassning av tjänsterna till miljön för att förbättra deras kvalitet och prestanda i CN miljöer. På middleware-nivån bygger vi överlagringsnät som det huvudsakliga kommunikationssystemet enligt den sociala informationen för att förbättra nodernas banor och rutter och förbättra överföringen av data över nätverket genom att använda de relationer som redan upprättats i det sociala nätverket eller i gemenskapen av praxis som är relaterade till CN. Därför kan tjänsteutövning i CN-mikro-moln bli stabilare med avseende på resursanvändning, prestanda och användarens uppfattade kvalitet.Acceder a Internet sigue siendo un reto en muchas partes del mundo y las comunidades locales se ven en la necesidad de colaborar para construir sus propias infraestructuras de red. Los usuarios colaboran por el objetivo común de acceder a Internet y a los servicios en la nube construyendo redes comunitarias (RC). El uso de servicios de Internet en la nube ha crecido durante la última década. Las infraestructuras de nube en redes comunitarias (i.e., micronubes) han aparecido para albergar servicios dentro de las mismas redes, sin tener que acceder a Internet para usarlos. Las micronubes de las RC no solo tienen por objetivo ofrecer un mejor rendimiento, sino también ser la puerta de entrada en las RC hacia una alternativa a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Sin embargo, la adaptación de los servicios para ser usados en micronubes de RC conlleva sus retos ya que el uso de dispositivos de recursos limitados y de conexiones inalámbricas sin una gestión centralizada predominan en las RC. Más aún, la amplia e irregular topología de la red, la diversidad en el hardware y el software y los diferentes requisitos de los servicios en RC convierten en un desafío albergar servicios locales en micronubes de RC y obtener un rendimiento y una calidad del servicio comparables a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Esta tesis tiene por objetivo la optimización de servicios (rendimiento, calidad) en micronubes de RC, facilitando la entrada a otros servicios y motivando a sus miembros a usar los servicios en la micronube de RC como una alternativa a los servicios en Internet. Presentamos una aproximación para gestionar los servicios en entornos de micronube de RC para mejorar su rendimiento y calidad comparable a los servicios en Internet, a la vez que proporcionamos a la comunidad motivación para usar los servicios de micronube en RC. Además, dividimos el problema en distintos niveles (recursos, servicios y middleware), proponemos un modelo que proporciona mejoras para cada nivel y contribuye con información que apoya las mejoras (en términos de rendimiento y calidad de los servicios) en los otros niveles. En el nivel de los recursos, facilitamos el uso de dispositivos comunitarios al emplear técnicas de virtualización que aíslan y gestionan los servicios en micronubes de RC para obtener un entorno multipropósito que fomenta los servicios en el entorno de micronube de RC. En el nivel de servicio, construimos una herramienta de monitorización a la medida de las micronubes de RC que nos ayuda a analizar el comportamiento de los servicios y su rendimiento en micronubes de RC. Luego, la información recopilada permite adaptar los servicios al entorno para mejorar su calidad y rendimiento bajo las condiciones de una RC. En el nivel de middleware, construimos redes de overlay que actúan como el sistema de comunicación principal de acuerdo a información social para mejorar los caminos y las rutas de los nodos y mejoramos la transmisión de datos a lo largo de la red al utilizar las relaciones preestablecidas en la red social o la comunidad de prácticas que están relacionadas con las RC. De este modo, el rendimiento en las micronubes de RC puede devenir más estable respecto al uso de recursos, el rendimiento y la calidad percibidas por el usuario.Public defense is held at UPC, Barcelona, Spain and videoconference to KTH Sal C, Kistagången 16.QC 20180815</p

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents

    Leveraging deployment models on low-resource devices for cloud services in community networks

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    Community networks are crowd-sourced IP networks that evolved into regional-scale computing platforms. This has led to adapting the cloud computing model for services that can operate and use computing resources inside a community network. The network and computing infrastructure is contributed by individuals, companies, organizations and maintained by its members. Community cloud devices are often low-capacity computing devices, such as home gateways or cabinet servers, with limited capabilities. These devices are used to install and operate specific personal or community services, but can be turned into multi-purpose execution environments applying machine or operating system (container) virtualization. However that requires addressing the problems of resource sharing in low-capacity devices, related to predictable performance and isolation. Our comparative analysis with the current infrastructure in community networks gives evidence about how devices can concurrently run multiple services, the trade offs between the number and resource requirements of services and the degradation of quality that services may suffer.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Leveraging deployment models on low-resource devices for cloud services in community networks

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    Community networks are crowd-sourced IP networks that evolved into regional-scale computing platforms. This has led to adapting the cloud computing model for services that can operate and use computing resources inside a community network. The network and computing infrastructure is contributed by individuals, companies, organizations and maintained by its members. Community cloud devices are often low-capacity computing devices, such as home gateways or cabinet servers, with limited capabilities. These devices are used to install and operate specific personal or community services, but can be turned into multi-purpose execution environments applying machine or operating system (container) virtualization. However that requires addressing the problems of resource sharing in low-capacity devices, related to predictable performance and isolation. Our comparative analysis with the current infrastructure in community networks gives evidence about how devices can concurrently run multiple services, the trade offs between the number and resource requirements of services and the degradation of quality that services may suffer.Peer Reviewe

    Socially aware microcloud service overlay optimization in community networks

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    Community networks are a growing network cooperation effort by citizens to build and maintain Internet infrastructure in regions that are not available. Adding that, to bring cloud services to community networks (CNs), microclouds were started as an edge cloud computing model where members cooperate using resources. Therefore, enhancing routing for services in CNs is an attractive paradigm that benefits the infrastructure. The problem is the growing consumption of resources for disseminating messages in the CN environment. This is because the services that build their overlay networks are oblivious to the underlying workload patterns that arise from social cooperation in CNs. In this paper, we propose Select in Community Networks (SELECTinCN), which enhances the overlay creation for pub/sub systems over peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Moreover, SELECTinCN includes social information based on cooperation within CNs by exploiting the social aspects of the community of practice. Our work organizes the peers in a ring topology and provides an adaptive P2P connection establishment algorithm, where each peer identifies the number of connections needed based on the social structure and user availability. This allows us to propagate messages using a reduced number of hops, thus providing an efficient heuristic to an NP-hard problem that maps the workload graph to the structured P2P overlays resulting in a number of messages close to the theoretical minimum. Experiments show that, by using social network information, SELECTinCN reduces the number of relay nodes by up to 89% using the community of practice information versus the state-of-the-art pub/sub notification systems given as baseline.Peer Reviewe

    Gossip-based service monitoring platform for wireless edge cloud computing

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    Edge cloud computing proposes to support shared services, by using the infrastructure at the network's edge. An important problem is the monitoring and management of services across the edge environment. Therefore, dissemination and gathering of data is not straightforward, differing from the classic cloud infrastructure. In this paper, we consider the environment of community networks for edge cloud computing, in which the monitoring of cloud services is required. We propose a monitoring platform to collect near real-time data about the services offered in the community network using a gossip-enabled network. We analyze and apply this gossip-enabled network to perform service discovery and information sharing, enabling data dissemination among the community. We implemented our solution as a prototype and used it for collecting service monitoring data from the real operational community network cloud, as a feasible deployment of our solution. By means of emulation and simulation we analyze in different scenarios, the behavior of the gossip overlay solution, and obtain average results regarding information propagation and consistency needs, i.e. in high latency situations, data convergence occurs within minutes.Peer Reviewe